Yuri Elkaim - Blog



Fat Burning Exercise

Whether or not we like to admit it, everyone experiences gas from time to time. Don’t be embarrassed — flatulence isn’t your …

The date was March 2, 2011, and the FDA has just recalled close to 500 prescription cold, cough and allergy medications because these “cold and …

With just a few days until American Thanksgiving, I thought it would be appropriate to equip for a healthy and slender holiday …

What if you could cut the time you spend at the gym in half, while getting even better results? No, this isn’t …

Your heart is inarguably the hardest working muscle in your body. Every day it pumps out up to 7,500 liters of blood …

There’s nothing worse (or more frustrating) than experiencing shooting pain when you’re trying to work up a sweat. For runners especially, one …

You love your workouts. In fact, maybe you’ve been known to brag about your regimen, which sometimes includes two-a-days. Deep down there’s …

Most of us know chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their vibrant green hue and helps them transform sunlight into energy …

If you’ve felt like “something was up” with your body, you might have decided to get a food sensitivity blood test.  Unexplained …


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