High Protein Decaf Mocha Recipe | Yuri Elkaim
by: Yuri Elkaim

High-Protein Decaf Mocha

Do you look forward to waking up in the morning to a cuppa Joe?

If so, here’s a healthy, high-protein mocha recipe that’s a delicious, creamy alternative.

Although I firmly stand against daily caffeine intake, I know how nice it is to wake up to an aromatic cup of hot coffee. But so often we pair coffee with a high-carb breakfast and throw off an entire day of eating.

When I went hunting for high-protein coffee options, I was shocked at how few there were. So, I decided to make a version that will keep you fueled and feeling satisfied, no caffeine required.

What’s my beef with caffeine?

Caffeine is highly addictive and produces a short-term energy surge followed by a low, making us crave more caffeine.

It also causes a whole host of other issues including raising our levels of stress hormones and is implicated in adrenal fatigue, which manifests in the body as exhaustion, brain fog, loss of concentration and memory, and trouble bouncing back after an illness, among other things.

In order to break this cycle and win back consistent energy throughout the day, you’re going to have to swap out your daily cup of fully caffeinated coffee for the decaf version. But you’ll have no problem doing that once you taste this delicious mocha recipe!

This mocha is incredibly creamy and filled with high-quality fat.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, which are proven to help curb your hunger (1). A scoop of protein powder provides fuel for the body and also helps stop cravings.

The combo of high-quality fat and protein is like a one-two punch to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

And before you look at the ingredients and start tallying up the calorie count, stop!

Even though a cup of this decaf mocha recipe has more calories than a traditional cup of coffee, it’s also got satiating protein and healthy fats which will leave you feeling fuller longer.

Starting with this filling cup off coffee will likely decrease the total consumption of calories throughout the day.

Coffee-free? No worries!

If you don’t drink coffee, you can still get  all the benefits by substituting herbal tea (try a chocolate-orange or chocolate-caramel flavor) or a roasted Chicory Root coffee, a no-coffee alternative that tastes great and is chock-full of antioxidants.

You can find it find it online or in the coffee section of most high-end health food stores.

Need more reasons why protein is so important at breakfast?

Check out some of my other posts on the topic… here, here, here, and here.

High-Protein Decaf Mocha Recipe

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High-Protein Decaf Mocha
Get your fill of coffee flavor while nourishing your body and cutting the likelihood for mid-afternoon cravings with this delicious high-protein decaf mocha!
High-Protein Decaf Mocha
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High-Protein Decaf Mocha
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  1. Place all ingredients in a small bowl with a spout. Blend until frothy using a handheld wand blender. Pour into your mug and enjoy!
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