Yuri Elkaim - Blog



Fat Burning Exercise

Cravings can beat the best of us … especially when they seem to strike out of nowhere. But sometimes that “out of nowhere” …

Most of us get headaches from time to time. And whether it’s a dull ache that lasts for hours or a sudden sharp pain …

All of these years, we’ve been lied to when it comes to the healthiest cooking oils. You’ve probably heard that unsaturated vegetable …

An intense, fat-burning core workout using only a stability ball and the floor, that also takes less than 15 minutes? Yes, workout …

Today we’re going to be talking about the very important difference between different types of abdominal exercises, and just what you need …

Are Canned Foods Safe?

Canned foods are marketed to us as a convenient and safe alternative to their fresh forms. Convenient they may be, but safe? …

There’s nothing worse than spending your days feeling bloated, heavy and sluggish. No one wants to walk around all day feeling like …

Many of us are still haunted by our grade-school gym class. Shuffling nervously in line for our first fitness test, the metal …


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