The Healthy Gut Smoothie (Carrot Cake) | Yuri Elkaim
by: Yuri Elkaim

The Healthy Gut Smoothie

I bet you never thought eating carrot cake could help you get a healthy gut.

How about drinking one?

I make it a point to give you healthy eating recipes that are far from boring, and this one is a perfect example. This luscious smoothie is as deeply satisfying as a slice of carrot cake, but thanks to the amazing ingredients it contains, it will also give you a boost of healthy gut flora.

It all comes down to one key ingredient, and it’s not carrot.

Raw Potato Starch Makes this Healthy Gut Smoothie a Winner

There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of raw potato starch before. It’s a surefire way to get a healthy gut.

If you’re new to it, you’ll want to start slow by adding just 1 teaspoon daily to your healthy smoothies and working up to 2 to ­4 teaspoons every day.

But wait—doesn’t starch have a bad reputation in the nutrition world? Doesn’t it spike your blood sugar and make you pack on the pounds?

Some starch certainly does, but resistant starch—like raw potato starch—is actually good for you. It doesn’t break down into glucose, and it’s basically resistant to digestion.

This has important implications for your health, and is backed by scientific studies.

How Resistant Starch Works

The Healthy Gut Carrot Cake Smoothie

One of the very best healthy gut foods, resistant starch functions a lot like soluble fiber, passing through the stomach and small intestine undigested.

[Read: 4 Good Carbs to Eat for a Flat Belly]

When it reaches the colon, it becomes food for the gut microbiome. This feeding of the gut bacteria positively affects specific hormone levels in the body, acting to stabilize blood sugar regulation and improve insulin sensitivity. That’s good news for diabetics!

One study found that the replacement of digestible starch with resistant starch resulted in significant reductions in post-meal blood sugar levels as well as sensations of satiety after eating. (1)

Another study found that resistant starch improved insulin sensitivity in study participants. Between stabilizing blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity, resistant starch may help you avoid chronic diseases that lead to poor health. (2)

Raw potato starch is one of the best ways to get resistant starch in your body. I’ve developed this healthy smoothie recipe so you don’t have to swallow potato starch on it’s own. (A little secret – it isn’t very appetizing.)

This smoothie is not only great for your gut health and blood sugar, it also tastes like an indulgent treat!

[Read: 8 Proven Steps to Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome]

Sweet potato, carrot juice, and vibrant spices turn this elixir into a delicious, healthy smoothie. You’ll also be gaining health benefits from the beta-carotene in the sweet potato and carrot juice for eye health, an immune boost, and glowing skin.

As if that’s not enough, the sweet potato and spices also offer up anti-inflammatory protection from chronic diseases. Give potato starch a try in this yummy smoothie to reap the many health benefits from resistant starch!

The Healthy Gut Smoothie (Carrot Cake)

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The Healthy Gut Smoothie (Carrot Cake)
Give potato starch a try in this yummy smoothie to reap the many health benefits from resistant starch. Get a healthy gut and stabilize your blood sugar with this delicious drink.
The Healthy Gut Smoothie (Carrot Cake)
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Prep Time 5 minutes
The Healthy Gut Smoothie (Carrot Cake)
Votes: 35
Rating: 3.49
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  1. Blend all in a hi­-speed blender until smooth.
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