Yuri Elkaim - Blog



Fat Burning Exercise

Perhaps you’ve heard of intermittent fasting before. Maybe you’re skeptical. And if you are, that’s a good thing! There are a million …

Fasting is a powerful tool that has been recognized for its beneficial health effects for thousands of years. It can reduce blood …

If you’ve been a part of the natural health community for some time now, you’ve likely heard a lot about the importance …

If you’ve been wondering how to implement intermittent fasting or any other protocol to fast one day a week, I’m going to provide …

Can’t get dessert off your mind? You can still have your cake and eat it too, without spoiling a day of healthy …

Chances are you’ve seen the buzz in the news lately about turmeric, touting its amazing health benefits. Whether you drink a mug …

Can you relate to this? You begin a new diet, eat healthy for a few days, start feeling great, and then decide it’s …

It peeks out along the lines of your tank tops, over your jeans, and around your bra. Yes, I’m talking about the …

There is something about a cold scoop of ice cream that makes any bad day feel better. But when you grab a …


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