9 Reasons Powdered Greens Are Worth Your Money | Yuri Elkaim

9 Reasons Powdered Greens Are Worth Your Money

9 Reasons Powdered Greens Are Worth Your Money

How many servings of greens have you had this week?

If you’re like most people, the answer is probably simple: not enough.

It can be difficult to squeeze in enough servings of greens, and the consequences pile up fast. Fatigue, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, and weight gain are just a few of the negative effects of a poor diet.

Not only that, but loading up on junk foods – fried, sugary, and/or processed – can lead to a build-up of acid in the body, making it the perfect environment for fostering bacteria and inflammation.

The solution is simple: eat more greens!

Balance Your System With Greens

Because greens are alkaline-forming, they can help quickly flush out that excess acid, leaving you with a well-balanced system and more energy.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get in the servings of greens you need through food. Between work, family, and life in general, we don’t always have as much time as we’d like to spend in the kitchen.

Enter powdered greens, one of the latest superfoods to hit the market.

Powdered greens are an easy, convenient, and effective way to get in the greens you need to keep your body healthy.

9 Reasons to Use Powered Greens

Still not convinced?

Here are the top powdered greens benefits and why I recommend them as a worthy investment for your health:

1. They boost your energy levels.

Getting in your greens puts your body back in balance by reducing the acid overload and increasing your intake of healthful alkaline-forming ingredients.

This makes it even easier for your body to get the nutrients it needs from the foods you eat, which translates to a quick surge in your energy.

If you are constantly feeling run down or tired, give green powders a try and watch your energy skyrocket almost immediately.

2. They are incredibly versatile.

Traditionally, powdered greens are most often blended up in smoothies or added to drinks. This is great, because it’s a fast and easy way to up your intake of greens while masking the taste with other ingredients as well.

However, the options are pretty much endless when it comes to incorporating powdered greens into your diet.

Add a scoop to your pancake batter or eggs for a delicious, supercharged meal. Alternatively, powdered greens can give a nutritious punch to soup, mousse, hummus, or even salad dressing.

For a few other ideas of how to add powdered greens to your diet, check out my list of 12 greens powder recipes.

3. They are convenient.

Obviously one of the biggest benefits to supplementing your diet with a greens powder is the convenience factor. While you should definitely still be adding fruits and vegetables into your diet as much as possible, it can be a real struggle to calculate ways to squeeze in the healthy greens your body needs each and every day.

Cocoa Greens Smoothie

Cocoa Greens. Recipe here

If you’re pressed for time (as most of us are), a scoop of greens powder is an awesome alternative to spending time in the kitchen or at the grocery store.

Powdered greens take most of the work out of it and provide you with another thing you don’t need to worry about.

4. They are easily absorbed so you get the most nutrients.

Opt for a good, high-quality powdered greens supplement and you’ll be getting greens that are highly bioavailable.

This means that you’ll be getting a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, allowing you to maximize the health benefits from your powdered greens so they can get to work immediately within your body.

5. They help prevent chronic disease.

Dark leafy greens

There’s a good reason dark leafy greens are commonly recommended to promote health; in addition to being an excellent source for a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, they are incredibly rich in antioxidants and carotenoids.

These compounds work to deactivate free radicals in the body, preventing oxidative damage to our cells and keeping us healthy.

Dark leafy greens, like the ones found in powdered greens, are often cited for their benefits on heart health and cancer prevention.

They have been known to reduce the risk of blood clots, regulate triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and slash the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Also, greens have been shown to promote healthy cell division while spurring cell death of cancer cells and inactivating carcinogens (1).

When whipping up a batch of kale salad every day doesn’t sound realistic or appealing, powdered greens are a great option to take advantage of the disease-busting benefits of leafy greens.

6. They are highly concentrated.

When it comes to powdered greens vs. fresh greens, powdered greens have the upper hand if you’re looking to get the biggest nutritional bang for your buck.

One ounce of greens powder can actually contain more than a pound of greens in total. That means you’re squeezing several servings of greens into a little bit of powder, making it easier than ever to get in the amount you need (2).

And how do powdered greens stack up to powdered greens capsules? Turns out, powdered greens are the clear winner. In fact, a single scoop of powdered greens contains what you’ll find in 30 to 50 powdered greens capsules.

7. They reduce inflammation.

Inflammation can exacerbate preexisting conditions, like cancer, obesity, arthritis, and diabetes. It can also cause a lot of undesirable side effects, like fatigue or chronic pain.

Over time, chronic inflammation takes a serious toll on the body and can even lead to the development of chronic disease.

Greens can be a powerful tool when it comes to inflammation. Not only are they alkaline-forming, which can help reduce inflammation caused by acid overload, but they are also rich in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and alleviate inflammation.

Greens are also brimming with magnesium and vitamin E, both of which possess potent anti-inflammatory powers. Powdered greens are an excellent way to harness the beneficial anti-inflammatory effects of greens.

8. They keep your skin glowing.

Green powders provide a host of benefits from the inside out – literally!

Many of the ingredients found in powdered greens are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, all of which support skin health.

Plus, they promote improved blood circulation, which keeps you looking fresh, healthy, and radiant.

9. They can aid in fat loss.

In addition to holding onto fat, fat cells have actually been shown to hold onto excess acid too. This mechanism keeps that extra acid from attacking other cells in your body and damaging your health.

When you neutralize the body’s pH by ingesting more alkaline-forming foods – like green powders – it finally allows your body to get rid of those pesky unwanted fat cells.

Tips for Buying and Using Greens Powders

Greens powder mixed in water

Powdered greens are an investment when it comes to your health. Naturally, you want to pick the best option to get the most from your money and maximize the potent health benefits on your body as well.

In your search for a quality powdered green, look for blends with minimal amounts of fiber in the mix.

While fiber is definitely a necessity in our diet, it’s not something that should be found in your powdered greens. Many manufacturers add fillers or opt for cheaper leaf powders to minimize cost.

Skip the alfalfa or barley leaf powder, which is mostly composed of cellulose (fiber) and go for greens processed from the juice of the plant to ensure optimal absorption.

Also look for companies that have minimal processing to avoid contamination and preserve their nutrient profile.

My Energy Greens Blend is a great option as it is meticulously grown and harvested carefully in a clean environment when its nutrients are at their peak. A bit of searching online can help you find other safe and quality blends as well.

Pleasing the Palate

Finally, let’s not pretend that powdered greens are so delicious that you’ll be eating them like candy.

It’s true: many greens powders have a bit of a raw, grass-like taste. However, masking the taste is easy with a bit of creativity.

Green Colada Smoothie

Green Colada Smoothie. Recipe here

If you’re adding powdered greens to your smoothie, pair it with a fruit with a sweeter flavor, like pineapples or mango, to disguise the taste of the greens. And if your smoothie recipe also includes fresh greens, now may be the time to stick to spinach or other varieties with a more neutral taste.

Feeling inspired?

Add your greens to dishes with a strong flavor that will easily overpower the taste of the powdered greens. Chocolate baked goods are a great choice if you have a sweet tooth and Indian food is perfect for hiding the taste of powdered greens in your main course.

Invest in Your Health

Ultimately, it’s hard to put a price tag on good health.

While I always recommend getting your nutrients from foods first, if it’s hard for you to meet your quota for intake of greens, you should definitely consider investing in a green powder and taking advantage of the myriad of health benefits.

If you feel like you’re getting enough in your diet, it never hurts to have some “health insurance” built into your diet.

Give powdered greens a try and see for yourself how much better you feel. Chances are, you’ll wonder how you went so long without it.

Ramp Up Your Energy

Feeling tired, groggy, and lethargic? Or like you need a nap every day?

You’ll be amazed at how a few simple changes in your routine will help you become revitalized and energized.

Learn a few easy tricks to make the most out of your day in my Double Your Energy Report. You’ll love how you feel!

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