Yuri Elkaim - Monique Le Bas, Australia's Got Talent, and Eating for Energy

Monique Le Bas, Australia’s Got Talent, and Eating for Energy

monique-le-bas-australias-got-talentSo this is pretty cool…

In this article

    One of our clients, Monique Le Bas, emailed us out of the blue the other week to share a pretty incredible story about her singing aspirations and the fact that she made it all the way through to the semi-finals of Australia’s Got Talent!

    I hope she gets through to the finals but even if she doesn’t, she’s pretty awesome. (NOTE: If you live in Australia, give her a vote!)

    Check out this video of her performance on the show….

    One of the things she mentioned was that after following my Eating for Energy program her voice made huge improvements, not to mention that she had way more energy.

    I’ll just share the email that she wrote to us…

    “Hi Yuri, you don’t know me in person. I live in a quiet country town Minyip in country Victoria, Australia. Miles from anywhere I first started Watched your youtube videos, then bought your Eating for Energy program and then became a member of your Super Nutrition Academy. I just want you to know how much you have changed my life. I use to feel tired all the time & I couldn’t figure out why. Then I watched the you tube videos (at the time I was broke). Then when I could afford it, I bought your book and then my eyes were completely opened.

    I gradually changed my eating habits for the better and it has drastically changed my life.

    You see, I’m an aspiring opera singer. I’ve been training for about 10 years. As you can imagine an opera singer can’t feel tired all the time. It has a horrible effect on the voice. Now after the knowledge you’ve shared, I have heaps of energy and my voice has made huge improvements!!!!

    In fact, I’ve made it through to the semi-finals of “Australia’s got talent.” I’ve attached a copy of my heat so you can see first hand what your knowledge has done for me.

    My semi-final is being filmed on Sunday the 24th of June and then televised in Australia on channel 7 on Wednesday the 27th of June. It will be open for voted in Australia so please keep your fingers crossed:)

    Thank you for all your help.”


    PS. I tell EVERYONE about your book!!!!



    I know you’re going to rock the house in the semi-finals, especially with your new and improved vocal chords and energy. Plus, you’re a natural entertainer.

    Please let us (those outside of Aussie land) know how you do.

    In the meantime, for anyone else reading this post who would like to benefit from the life-changing powers of Eating for Energy, then you can learn more here…

    => CLICK HERE to discover what Eating for Energy can do for you
