Yuri Elkaim - Thanks-temp

Welcome To The Family :-)!

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What’s In It For You?

I’m honored to be able to serve you and help you take your health and fitness to the next level. Outside of helping you burn fat, enjoy more energy, and eat clean delicious foods, here’s what you can expect from me:

  1. I’ll give you clarity, confidence and make your life simpler by distilling complex information into clear understanding and actionable steps that save you time and reduce confusion.
  1. I help you reclaim your power and become more self-reliant by equipping you with simple, science-based training and nutrition fundamentals.
  1. I help you achieve your full potential in a fun, approachable, and compelling manner that is quick and sustainable.

Just in case you’re wondering…

“Yuri, why don’t you have any eyebrows or hair?”

This blog post explains it

As part of our “Y(uri) Tribe” family, it would probably be helpful to know who we are so that you can feel right at home…

The “Y Tribe”

Who WE Are

We are “health hobbyists”. We love being active and eating well and we enjoy living a good life. We love a fresh green juice and the occasional almond milk decaf latte. We understand that results come from our own efforts so we’re willing to do the work. We believe in learning, doing, and trying our best…and that we can never fail as long as we keep moving forward.

We are willing to workout, but in a way that makes us feel good, not crushed and exhausted. We exercise because we enjoy it, not to repent our dietary sins. We are willing to eat well. We seek balance, filling our plates with lots of greens and real foods whenever possible, but never ashamed to bite into a brownie every now and again.

We don’t follow dogmatic diets or belong to fanatical dietary cliques. We aren’t food fanatics, rather healthy foodies who seek balance. We love how we feel when we fuel our body with fresh real food, an energizing workout, and a moment of daily mindfulness. We believe a happy body is healthy body, and seek to make healthy happen everyday. We believe that ultimate success in life is being healthy and being your best self.

The “Be My Best” Manifesto

How I do anything is how I do everything. So “I can’t” doesn’t exist in my world.
I am fit, healthy, and happy because I do. Perfection isn’t my goal.
It’s giving it everything I’ve got.
That’s good enough for me.
And if that means failing, that means learning.
Because I’ll always be growing and daring to be my best.
This life of mine is a privilege, not a right.
So I refuse to be a passenger in it.
I strive to make tomorrow better than today.
I savor my successes.
I learn from my mistakes.
I embrace new challenges.
And whatever life brings, I make it count.
Because I’ll never give up on being the best version of myself.
We are all meant to shine.
So I do what I can to lead by example.
I exercise because I enjoy it, not to repent my dietary sins.
I seek balance in what I eat, not confining dogmatic diets.
I find happiness in moments of mindfulness.
I let myself be vulnerable.
And I love who I am.
Because the ultimate success in life is being my best self and knowing that that’s good enough.

About Yuri

Yuri is an inspiring NY Times bestselling author, holistic nutritionist, fitness expert, and former pro soccer player most famous for simplifying the complicated world of health and empowering you to take back control of your health, feel alive, and get in great shape without radical diets, gimmicks, or killing yourself in the gym. He’s on a mission to transform the lives of more than 10 million people by 2018.

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